Well Child: 6th Month Checklist

FEEDING YOUR BABY: Your baby still receives the majority of his nutrition from breast milk or iron-fortified formula. Over the next six months, the balance will shift so by one year your baby will rely more on solid foods. Now is a good time to start solid foods if you have not already. In general, most babies will have 3 meals per day with four or five feedings of breast milk or formula. You should progress through stage one, two, and three foods over the next six months. At eight to nine months, some babies can take mashed or blended foods, and some are ready to start soft, small bites of table foods. Other babies will retain a preference for strained foods. Babies do not have to have a lot of teeth to take solid foods. Avoid any big chunks or small hard foods which could cause choking. Avoid honey, egg whites, citrus fruit, shellfish, strawberries, nuts, and tomatoes until 1 year of age. Now is a good time to introduce a sippy cup with water, formula, or breast milk. Do not offer cow’s milk until 1 year of age. Hold your baby upright while drinking from a cup.

SAFETY: As your baby’s motor skills improve, safety will become the most important issue. Now is the time to safety proof your house if you have not already. Get in the habit of keeping hot liquids, medicines, household cleaners and poisons out of reach. Cover electrical outlets, block access to cords and cover sharp furniture edges. Avoid use of a walker near stairs and steps. Remember your baby must face backwards in the car until 20lbs and at least one year of age; however, new recommendations state that infants are safest when rear-facing until 2 years of age. Keep an emergency contact list with poison control (800) 222-1222 by your phone. If you have not already, take a CPR course at Northside Hospital or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

DEVELOPMENT: Most babies at six months can roll over both ways, sit with support, reach for objects, make sounds and smile at crib toys/pictures/pets when playing alone.

GENERAL: Your baby’s stools may be more firm, formed, and the color/consistency may change with the introduction of new foods. In general, most babies will sleep through the night by six months of age. Establish a bedtime routine (rocking, singing, or reading) and put your baby to bed when he/she is drowsy but still awake. You may notice the appearance of your baby’s first tooth at this age. Wipe teeth with a wet cloth twice daily to clean them.

IMMUNIZATIONS: Pentacel, Hepatitis B, Prevnar 13, and Rotateq vaccines will be given today. These are the same immunizations given to your baby at the four month visit. All immunizations may cause mild discomfort, fussiness, irritability, or mild fever. You may also notice small knots in your baby’s thighs at the injection sites. There is no need to worry when this happens, and the appropriate dose of infant acetaminophen suspension (Tylenol®) may be given every 4-6 hours as needed.

(Click Here for 9 Month Checklist)

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