Well Child: 1st Month Checklist
FEEDING YOUR BABY: Continue to feed your baby only breast milk or iron-fortified formula. Feed your baby every two to three hours during the day and as much as the baby desires at one time. If formula fed, the amount taken and the frequency will vary baby to baby and day to day, but usually averages about 4oz (2-6oz) per feeding. Breast milk or formula continues to meet all of your baby’s nutritional needs. Do not give your baby juice or water, or add cereal to your baby’s bottle. In general, solid foods should not be given until 4-6 months of age. If primarily breast feeding, continue to take your prenatal vitamins, and start vitamin D supplementation for the baby with Poly-vi-sol® 1ml by mouth once daily.
SAFETY: Your baby can generate enough momentum to propel off a bed or changing table, therefore he should never be left unattended. Avoid heating formula or breast milk in the microwave and make sure your water heater is set below 120°F to prevent accidental burns. Learn infant CPR and keep an emergency contact list by your phone.
DEVELOPMENT: By this age, babies will lift their heads up when lying on stomach and equally move their arms and legs. Your baby’s eyes can only focus at very short distances. Some crying is normal and may increase when your baby is 6 to 8 weeks, especially in the evening hours. Each baby has a unique personality.
GENERAL: Your baby may begin to develop a flexible routine and should have some awake/playtime following each daytime feeding and before naps. While your baby should still always sleep on his back, it is important to place your baby on his tummy periodically while awake and supervised throughout the day to develop motor skills and prevent flattening of the head. Keep middle of the night feedings as dark and boring as possible to help develop good sleep habits later. Fever can still be a sign of serious illness and should be evaluated immediately either at our office during business hours or at an urgent care center or emergency room after hours.
IMMUNIZATIONS: At your baby’s two month well child check, he will receive Pentacel, Hepatitis B, Prevnar 13, and Rotateq vaccines. Pentacel protects your baby against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, and invasive diseases (such as bacteremia, meningitis, and epiglottis) due to Haemophilus Influenzae type b. Hepatitis B protects against Hepatitis B virus which can damage the liver leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure. Prevnar 13 protects against diseases caused by the pneumococcus bacteria such as bacteremia, meningitis, and pneumonia. Rotateq protects against rotavirus which causes serious diarrhea and can lead to dehydration in babies.
(Click Here for 2 Month Checklist)
• Click here for a downloadable version for printing: (Downloadable PDF Link)
Office Documents
These links will allow you access to printable office forms. Note these forms should not be emailed back to the office. If you prefer, you can fax these to us at 770-772-6099, or bring them with you on your next visit."
- Patient Information Sheet - Attention New Patients - This form is now done in the office on one of our iPads. Please come in 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment so we can get your child in our system and keep them on time for their first appointment with us.
- Consultation Form
- Medical Record Release
- Vanderbilt ADHD ADD Parent Form
- Vanderbilt ADHD ADD Teacher Form
Important Links
Use these links to find more information about topics listed:
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Diabetes
- Centers for Disease
- Children's Healthcare of
- Children and Adults with Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
- The Cord Blood
- Healthychildren.
- Immunization Schedules from the
- Medicine
- Traveler's
- US Dept of Health and Human Services
- Vaccine information from the CDC